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This Thanksgiving, You May Be Thanking God for Something He May Not Want You to Have

Writer's picture: Clare DeGraafClare DeGraaf

More than 30 years ago, the editor of our denominational magazine ruined Thanksgiving for many of us. His editorial made these observations;

Some of you will sit down at Thanksgiving dinner with your family and thank God for your cottage, second home, motor home and healthy investment portfolio. Yes, it’s true you have been blessed. But are you sure God wants you to have all these things? It is true that God gave you the ability, skills, intelligence, discipline and work ethic to make the income needed to possess them. But is that the reason God entrusted you with wealth?

Could it be that you’ve actually deprived the poor, or hungry, or sick of resources entrusted to you? There may be people right in your town, this very day, unable to thank God this Thanksgiving because their apartment is cold, or they’re living under an over-pass or don’t know God at all, because you have “their rent” or utility money tied up in stuff God didn’t actually intend for you to have?

“If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?” 1 John 3:17

“Our desire is not that others might be relieved while you are hard pressed, but that there might be equality.  At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need. The goal is equality, as it is written: ‘The one who gathered much did not have too much, and the one who gathered little did not have too little.’” 2 Corinthians 8:13-15

Be careful what you thank God for this Thanksgiving.

There were angry people who wrote letters to this editor, accusing him of being a socialist or worst yet in our conservative town, a democrat! Others thought he had no right judging anyone with any extra money. But I, a rich young ruler at the time was profoundly moved. Up to that time, I assumed that as long as I gave thanks to God for my “stuff” and tithed, he was fine with my lifestyle. I had a sense of entitlement. I worked hard. I deserved the fruit of my labor. I was like the rooster that took credit for the sunrise. But with that editorial, I began to question “conventional Christian wisdom.” It eventually led to Susan and I setting some financial boundaries for how much we spent on ourselves. (You can read about that journey here –

We still live very well – perhaps too well. (And we have a cottage.) No one can answer the question of how much is enough except God and yourself. It’s to him and him only, we’ll have to answer someday. But if we say “it all belongs to God” are we confident he really wants us to keep so much for ourselves? I’m grateful to God for that editor who had the courage to jar our consciences, instead of writing a bland Thanksgiving editorial filled with talk of turkeys, family and God.

That editorial has changed what I think about at Thanksgiving. When our family gathers, I now thank God for simple things – eye sight, hearing, taste, mobility, a warm house and a wife still sleeping next to her man after 46 years. There’s and old rabbinical prayer I utter occasionally, “Thank you Jehovah that all the holes in my body work.” And I also remember those so sad or broken or desperate, they can’t even find the energy to thank God today.

At the suggestion of a friend, I’ve adopted the practice of journaling Thanksgiving morning. I first read my journal entries for the past year, then highlight the people for whom I’m thankful. That hour or so, spent early in the morning is holy ground for me.

I’ve also made a practice around Thanksgiving, of writing notes or calling people for whom I am particularly thankful. It’s the people in my life who’ve brought me more joy than my stuff. Is there someone who’s Thanksgiving would be richer this Thursday if they heard a heartfelt “Thank You” from you?

So, this Thanksgiving, remember to thank God for the simple things (and think twice about thanking him for the big stuff!) Happy Thanksgiving.

How following Jesus works in real life.

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