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By Clare De Graaf and Laurie Krieg

The Small Group Edition of Leading Your Church to be as Gay-Friendly as the Bible Teaches is a six lesson discussion guide for small groups. It was written to introduce church members to a biblically conservative but more gracious approach to understanding the experience, language, and theology of LGBT men and women.

This guide, with discussion questions for each chapter, goes beyond doctrinal statements of what the Bible teaches on this subject.  Christians who complete the six weeks will feel far more comfortable having thoughtful, biblical, and grace-filled discussions with their friends, neighbors, children, and LGBT men and women. 

Our response to homosexuality and same-sex marriage will be the debate in the Church, for the next decade.  It will split churches, families and friends unless Christ's followers find a fresh approach to address these challenges and opportunities.  Church leaders have a choice to be either reactive or proactive on these issues. Many Christians are waiting for more help and direction from their pastors. Are they hearing these responses from your church?

How to Purchase
The Small Group Edition is not yet available in print form. However, you can pay for and download one master copy now, which gives your church, or small group the right to print, or photocopy as many copies as you’ve purchased and paid for.

Leading Your Church to be as Gay Friendly as the Bible Teaches

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